
Shaping tomorrow, today

'We are all just walking each other home' ~ Ram Dass

Goodlife Collective is a form of 'active hope': identifying what we hope for, and taking steps in that direction.  We hope for a world with healed relations with the web of life.  It is an exploration of ideas and creativity that you are invited to join. It is a place to inspire and fuel creativity, as we play with curiosity, complexity and uncertainty, embracing values of manaakitanga and playfulness.

Goodlife Collective is a response to a media landscape that tends to put nervous-systems into fight/flight. Is there a better way? We prefer to support regulated nervous systems - when we feel safe we tend do access our best creativity and strategic thinking. Words are powerful, so here you will find content that supports our collective potential, reinforces stories of hope, and supports more inner and outer healing.
Let's learn together, and embrace the uncertainty and the dance.

Goodlife Collective is a movement
where headspace meets heartspace
Where linear meets circular
Where silos dissolve into holistic thinking
Where distance melds with interconnectedness
Where we cultivate right-hemisphere thinking.

We have carved out this space to nurture and nourish hearts, minds & souls. We hope to shine a light on how our inner world shapes our outer world.

We weave our values of curiosity, humility, integrity, and fun through all that we do.

Our goal is to ignite your curiosity and your self-belief, and to reconnect us all with our inner wisdom and nature. We exist to nurture trust and hope, to spread compassion and acceptance—with a sprinkle of joy.

Please join us on the journey of shaping a world that can unleash the 'good life'!

Goodlife Collective is registered with charity fundholding service, Gift Collective. Find ways to support Goodlife Collective here.

~ Freda - Founder

Our Mission

> connecting people & ideas
> unlocking better possibilities
> amplifying impact

to support
people & planet
to heal & thrive

Sign up to Goodlife Collective's monthly(ish) updates for a regular dose of hope and aroha, for info on upcoming events, ways to collaborate, and inspiration for a better shared future*

*no spam ever and that’s a promise

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